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How to get to dreamOlé 19?

Do you know that dreamOlé ’19 is around the corner? Don’t wait till last minute and start to get to ready for your trip to Málaga, in the Costa del Sol. Do you think there is a better place to hold the dreamOlé?

This year, the conference will be held in the Hotel Barceló Málaga. The venue is close to the main train station, and not so far from the main airport. Both train an airplane are good options to get to dreamOlé.

By train

Did you know Spain has one of the biggest high-speed railway network? If you live in Spain, it is very likely your city is connected to Málaga by AVE (the high-speed railway in Spain). You can check the AVE lines in the RENFE website.

In the RENFE home page, you must select «MALAGA MARIA ZAMBRANO» in the Destination field of the form.

Once you are in the Maria Zambrano station, you only have to walk for 2 mins to get to Barceló Hotel

By plane

Of course, the fastest way to get to Málaga, especially, if you are not in Spain. The main airport of Málaga is called «Costa del Sol». Mr. Google can help you to choose the best fight…

Once your feet are touching the ground of Málaga, you can choose between taking the bus o a taxi.

The bus ride will take about 30 mins.

Línea A

The closest bus stop to the Barcelo Hotel is «AYALA (Los Arcos)». Onche you get off the bus, you only have to walk for 2 mins to get to dreamOlé:

You can get more info about the bus line in

By bus

If you are not too far from Málafa, the bus can be a good option. It’s cheap and the bus station is quite close to Barceló hotel.

You can search for your bus in several websites, such as

If it is possible, try to choose trips with arrival to Málaga center bus station (Paseo de los Tilos, s/n):

By car

If none of public transport options fits you, the car (or motorbike) is your last chance. Google Maps will guide you in your trip.

If you are lucky, maybe you will be able to park in the same street as the Barceló hotel for free. If not, you can leave your car in the parking of the shopping center next to Barceló hotel (Vialia Centro Comercial):